So I just recently figured out that I think I have contact dermatitis. For the last month I have had dry, itchy, red, slightly bumpy, scaly skin on my eyelids and they get swollen every once in awhile. I was reading up on it and found out that Quaternium- 15 is a typical ingredient in shampoos and stuff that can cause contact dermatitis. I am desperately trying to figure out what is causing this on me cause I can't afford a doc, so I looked at my shampoo and found Quaternium- 18. So my question is is that the same as Quaternium- 15? Also, I have heard hydrocortisone cream helps. True? Any other suggestions? Does this sound like contact dermatitis?
Thanks for the help. It is greatly appreciated since I don't know what else to do and this is driving me crazy.
Ingredients causing contact dermatitis?
hey Daisy,
I think it may just be contact dermatitis. Allergic contact dermatitis is an itchy skin condition caused by an allergic reaction to material in contact with the skin. It arises some hours after contact with the responsible material, and settles down over some days providing the skin is no longer in contact with it.
So, I'm not too sure about ingredients that may cause allergies for you. But what I think best for you now, is to stop using the shampoo, conditioner, face creams, moisturizers or anything that is applied to the face. You can try a hydrocortisone cream, but use a 0.5% cream, because it is mild but effective to soothe your iritations. If the hydrocortisone cream is too stong, it will thin your skin out and you don't want that.
For guidelines to caring for your allergy-prone sensitive skin, please visit
Daisy, in case the irritations still persist after a week using hydrocortisone cream, please you have to visit a doctor to check if there are any underlying problems. Do let me know the outcome ok? All the best and remember to try the 0.5% hydrocortisone cream
Thursday, May 7, 2009
My annoying dermatitis around my mouth!!! 4 months and going!!!?
I've had eczema or dermatitis around my mouth for 4 months now... and it all started because i had flakey skin around my mouth, so i put cream and i was allergic to it.. my doctor gave me 4 creams in total and none worked... inflammation cream (hydrocortisone), anti biotic, anti fungal and E45 cream.. none of these creams worked! How can i cover up my eczema? people in school say i give oral sex
My annoying dermatitis around my mouth!!! 4 months and going!!!?
Firstly don't cover up the eczema because that can make it worse. People at school obviously don't know very much about eczema or oral sex for that matter. Maybe educating them about eczema might help.
Some things you might consider are increase the number of times you apply the moisturiser to 4 times a day, and if E45 isn't working try something like diprobase or epaderm (much thicker). Apply any steroid creams 30 minutes after you have applied the moisturiser.
Use pH neutral soaps like Dove and nutrogena.
See your doctor again, see if they feel you need stronger steroids/inflammation cream.
Also if none of this is working then maybe seeking the advice of a dermatologist will help.
Reply:About all you can do to cover it up right now is putting on a non allergenic lotion such as Cetaphil. Eczema though, is caused mostly due to poor nutrition in the diet, mainly one too high in saturated and trans fats. The main nutritional aspect associated with dry skin is fatty acids, since they form the skin membranes. This means the best thing you can do is stop eating all the regular crap and junk food, increase your EFAs (fresh fish, organic nuts), and I woudl highly suggest supplementing with flax seed oil 2-3 tbsp a day. Flax seed oil is very high in omega 3s and 6s (good fats) and has no taste or smell, so you can put it on any food or even eat it by itself.
My annoying dermatitis around my mouth!!! 4 months and going!!!?
Firstly don't cover up the eczema because that can make it worse. People at school obviously don't know very much about eczema or oral sex for that matter. Maybe educating them about eczema might help.
Some things you might consider are increase the number of times you apply the moisturiser to 4 times a day, and if E45 isn't working try something like diprobase or epaderm (much thicker). Apply any steroid creams 30 minutes after you have applied the moisturiser.
Use pH neutral soaps like Dove and nutrogena.
See your doctor again, see if they feel you need stronger steroids/inflammation cream.
Also if none of this is working then maybe seeking the advice of a dermatologist will help.
Reply:About all you can do to cover it up right now is putting on a non allergenic lotion such as Cetaphil. Eczema though, is caused mostly due to poor nutrition in the diet, mainly one too high in saturated and trans fats. The main nutritional aspect associated with dry skin is fatty acids, since they form the skin membranes. This means the best thing you can do is stop eating all the regular crap and junk food, increase your EFAs (fresh fish, organic nuts), and I woudl highly suggest supplementing with flax seed oil 2-3 tbsp a day. Flax seed oil is very high in omega 3s and 6s (good fats) and has no taste or smell, so you can put it on any food or even eat it by itself.
Can seborrhoeic dermatitis cause hair loss?
hi, I believe my hairline on my forehead is suffering from seborrhoeic dermatitis, because at times it can itch for no reason and can cause small red spots. on a sidenote, i've noticed that in the places it's afflicted, my hairline has receded at. not by an extreme about, but a good 2 or 3 inches. i've decided to take action as of late and i'm going to a dermatologist next week, but i was wondering if Seborrhoeic dermatitis could be the cause for my possible hair loss? and (I doubt this) if so, would it be possible, once my Seborrhoeic dermatitis would be cured, for the hair to grow back? thanks.
by the way, i just turned 18 a couple months ago, and this has been going on since i was 17, and my father didn't start balding until his mid 30s, so i am somewhat confident my receded hairline is not due to typical male pattern baldness. thank you.
Can seborrhoeic dermatitis cause hair loss?
I would recommend going to a good dermatologist for a diagnosis.
Reply:Extreme oiliness can plug the hair follicle and cause the hair to stop growing. Baldness is inherited from the genes you recieve from your mother. Once the papillae have been damaged, usually regeneration is not possible, altho that would have to be deteremined by a doctor.
The two things may not be related. But you still should see a doctor.
by the way, i just turned 18 a couple months ago, and this has been going on since i was 17, and my father didn't start balding until his mid 30s, so i am somewhat confident my receded hairline is not due to typical male pattern baldness. thank you.
Can seborrhoeic dermatitis cause hair loss?
I would recommend going to a good dermatologist for a diagnosis.
Reply:Extreme oiliness can plug the hair follicle and cause the hair to stop growing. Baldness is inherited from the genes you recieve from your mother. Once the papillae have been damaged, usually regeneration is not possible, altho that would have to be deteremined by a doctor.
The two things may not be related. But you still should see a doctor.
Dermatitis help required please...?
I have dermatitis and can always control it, however I have developed some on the sole of my foot which is very unusual...(well at least I think it is dermatitis) now it has turned into blisters and foot actually feels slightly swollen and is extremely sore....can you help please!!!????
Dermatitis help required please...?
Get it checked, you won't know what it is for sure until a doctor looks at it...
Reply:Are you sure it's not a fungus? If your diabetic I think you should see your doc.
Reply:It does sound like dermatitis on your foot but it also sounds like a bad fungal infection. Is there anyway you could have contracted athlete's foot? My advice? Go see a doctor. You don't want something like that to do unchecked.
Reply:Well, honestly I wouldn't worry about it. I have dermatitis really bad, so don't worry I feel your pain, literally. I have always had it on my head though. There are different types of dermatitis. It isn't always on your head. It can be anywhere on your skin. Just get some dermatitis lotion. It can be found at drugstores. It REALLY helped me. You can learn more about your dermatitis at: Unless it really doesn't feel or look like dermatitis, I would just put lotion on it or something. I hope you get better, because I know how you feel!!!!!!!!
queen of the night
Dermatitis help required please...?
Get it checked, you won't know what it is for sure until a doctor looks at it...
Reply:Are you sure it's not a fungus? If your diabetic I think you should see your doc.
Reply:It does sound like dermatitis on your foot but it also sounds like a bad fungal infection. Is there anyway you could have contracted athlete's foot? My advice? Go see a doctor. You don't want something like that to do unchecked.
Reply:Well, honestly I wouldn't worry about it. I have dermatitis really bad, so don't worry I feel your pain, literally. I have always had it on my head though. There are different types of dermatitis. It isn't always on your head. It can be anywhere on your skin. Just get some dermatitis lotion. It can be found at drugstores. It REALLY helped me. You can learn more about your dermatitis at: Unless it really doesn't feel or look like dermatitis, I would just put lotion on it or something. I hope you get better, because I know how you feel!!!!!!!!
queen of the night
I RECOVERED from Spongiotic Dermatitis / Eczema.- U.V. Treatment works. Has anyone every tried it?
Starting in May 2007, I started to experience unnormal skin changes. I've had psoriasis since I was younger, but it was always minor and treatable with creams. But, this time, my skin changed into something I never would have imagined. I was later diagnosed with Spongiotic Dermatitis which is considered an Atopic Dermatitis and Acute Eczema.
Read my true skin horror/ RECOVERY story...
I RECOVERED from Spongiotic Dermatitis / Eczema.- U.V. Treatment works. Has anyone every tried it?
Read my true skin horror/ RECOVERY story...
I RECOVERED from Spongiotic Dermatitis / Eczema.- U.V. Treatment works. Has anyone every tried it?
Dermatitis diagnosis.?
In May 2007 I was diagnosed with contact dermatitis and I was perscribed "Doxycycl" by my doctor. After taking the drug for two months I developed a severe allergy to it which resulted in having itchy red splotches on my chest. I stopped taking the drug, but I still suffer from a reddish brown rash on my face, which the drug never cleared up.
My skin is dry, yet it becomes oily overnight while I sleep. It is not thick, nor is it itchy. I have researched several dermatitis conditions on-line, yet what I have does not seem to match anything that I am reading. I have tried several at home treatments, tea tree oil, anti-fungal cream, etc. These have helped a little but not very much. I have tried to moisturize it, as I know that this is supposed to be an important step, but every lotion I use causes it to burn and become even more red.
Based on what I have read I do not even know if I really have dermatitis. Can anyone help?
Dermatitis diagnosis.?
1] quit using everything, except face wash for sensitive skin
[ no colors or perfumes ], and moisturizer for sensitive skin. Wash in warm, not cold or hot water.
2] wash everything that contacts your body [ towels, clothing, bedding ], in hypoallergenic detergent and dryer sheets [ no perfumes or colors added ].
3] use shampoo and conditioner for sensitive skin
4] try pure aloe vera gel [ health food store ] twice a day for a week
5] If no improvement, try cortisone cream two or three times a day for a week
6] take a mulitivitamin with minerals every day
7] drink 1/2 gallon of water a day
8] avoid all fried, fast, and junk food - even diet junk food. Eat healthy oils [ olive, wheat germ, omega 3 ] in salad dressings
See a dermatologist if no improvement.
Reply:Try anti-eczema cream from It is herbal with no steroids and can do no harm. It cleared my condition in just over 2 weeks. (if it's not working for you - it's free; they offer money back guarantee policy)
My skin is dry, yet it becomes oily overnight while I sleep. It is not thick, nor is it itchy. I have researched several dermatitis conditions on-line, yet what I have does not seem to match anything that I am reading. I have tried several at home treatments, tea tree oil, anti-fungal cream, etc. These have helped a little but not very much. I have tried to moisturize it, as I know that this is supposed to be an important step, but every lotion I use causes it to burn and become even more red.
Based on what I have read I do not even know if I really have dermatitis. Can anyone help?
Dermatitis diagnosis.?
1] quit using everything, except face wash for sensitive skin
[ no colors or perfumes ], and moisturizer for sensitive skin. Wash in warm, not cold or hot water.
2] wash everything that contacts your body [ towels, clothing, bedding ], in hypoallergenic detergent and dryer sheets [ no perfumes or colors added ].
3] use shampoo and conditioner for sensitive skin
4] try pure aloe vera gel [ health food store ] twice a day for a week
5] If no improvement, try cortisone cream two or three times a day for a week
6] take a mulitivitamin with minerals every day
7] drink 1/2 gallon of water a day
8] avoid all fried, fast, and junk food - even diet junk food. Eat healthy oils [ olive, wheat germ, omega 3 ] in salad dressings
See a dermatologist if no improvement.
Reply:Try anti-eczema cream from It is herbal with no steroids and can do no harm. It cleared my condition in just over 2 weeks. (if it's not working for you - it's free; they offer money back guarantee policy)
Questions about Seborrheic Dermatitis?
Hi, I have Seborrheic Dermatitis on my scalp and I have a few questions.
-Is it better to apply T-Gel or Nizoral shampoo after scraping the dermatitis, or should I not scrape off my dermatitis before I shower? And should I even scrape it off at all?
-I want to get a haircut but am worried and embarrased becuase of the random dots of the dermatitis on my scalp, what should I do?
-Has anyone here tried any of these pills to help heal the seborrehic dermatitis and have they helped?: Fish Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Omega 3, or any other ones?
-Is it good to apply vaseline on the picked spots of the dermatitis? Vaseline definitely makes it feel better and burn less, but I am worried that the problem might worsen since the Vaseline is oily.
Thank you all.
Questions about Seborrheic Dermatitis?
Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp (dandruff) in adults and adolescents. Dandruff is usually treated with a shampoo that contains salicylic acid (some brand names: X-Seb, Scalpicin), the prescription medicine selenium sulfide (brand names: Selsun Blue, Exsel) or zinc pyrithione (some brand names: DHS Zinc, Head %26amp; Shoulders). These shampoos can be used 2 times a week. Shampoos with coal tar (some brand names: DHS Tar, Neutrogena T/Gel, Polytar) may be used 3 times a week. If you have dandruff, you might start by using one of these shampoos daily until your dandruff is controlled, and then use it 2 or 3 times a week.
When you use a dandruff shampoo, rub the shampoo into your hair thoroughly and let it stay on your hair and scalp for at least 5 minutes before rinsing. This will give it time to work.
If the shampoo alone doesn't help, your doctor might want you to use a prescription steroid lotion once or twice daily, in addition to the shampoo.
Reply:Seborrheic Dermatitis is not dandruff. It is different, brought on usually by stress or from an allergic reaction. Pure Almond Oil is very good to apply before scraping off the dermatitis, then shampoo with T/Gel, leaving T/Gel on the hair for the required time listed on the directions, but I believe that if it is very very bad, you should seek medical help.
In regard to going to hairdressers, I would try and get the dermatitis cleared up before you go.
-Is it better to apply T-Gel or Nizoral shampoo after scraping the dermatitis, or should I not scrape off my dermatitis before I shower? And should I even scrape it off at all?
-I want to get a haircut but am worried and embarrased becuase of the random dots of the dermatitis on my scalp, what should I do?
-Has anyone here tried any of these pills to help heal the seborrehic dermatitis and have they helped?: Fish Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Omega 3, or any other ones?
-Is it good to apply vaseline on the picked spots of the dermatitis? Vaseline definitely makes it feel better and burn less, but I am worried that the problem might worsen since the Vaseline is oily.
Thank you all.
Questions about Seborrheic Dermatitis?
Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp (dandruff) in adults and adolescents. Dandruff is usually treated with a shampoo that contains salicylic acid (some brand names: X-Seb, Scalpicin), the prescription medicine selenium sulfide (brand names: Selsun Blue, Exsel) or zinc pyrithione (some brand names: DHS Zinc, Head %26amp; Shoulders). These shampoos can be used 2 times a week. Shampoos with coal tar (some brand names: DHS Tar, Neutrogena T/Gel, Polytar) may be used 3 times a week. If you have dandruff, you might start by using one of these shampoos daily until your dandruff is controlled, and then use it 2 or 3 times a week.
When you use a dandruff shampoo, rub the shampoo into your hair thoroughly and let it stay on your hair and scalp for at least 5 minutes before rinsing. This will give it time to work.
If the shampoo alone doesn't help, your doctor might want you to use a prescription steroid lotion once or twice daily, in addition to the shampoo.
Reply:Seborrheic Dermatitis is not dandruff. It is different, brought on usually by stress or from an allergic reaction. Pure Almond Oil is very good to apply before scraping off the dermatitis, then shampoo with T/Gel, leaving T/Gel on the hair for the required time listed on the directions, but I believe that if it is very very bad, you should seek medical help.
In regard to going to hairdressers, I would try and get the dermatitis cleared up before you go.
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