Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ingredients causing contact dermatitis?

So I just recently figured out that I think I have contact dermatitis. For the last month I have had dry, itchy, red, slightly bumpy, scaly skin on my eyelids and they get swollen every once in awhile. I was reading up on it and found out that Quaternium- 15 is a typical ingredient in shampoos and stuff that can cause contact dermatitis. I am desperately trying to figure out what is causing this on me cause I can't afford a doc, so I looked at my shampoo and found Quaternium- 18. So my question is is that the same as Quaternium- 15? Also, I have heard hydrocortisone cream helps. True? Any other suggestions? Does this sound like contact dermatitis?

Thanks for the help. It is greatly appreciated since I don't know what else to do and this is driving me crazy.

Ingredients causing contact dermatitis?
hey Daisy,

I think it may just be contact dermatitis. Allergic contact dermatitis is an itchy skin condition caused by an allergic reaction to material in contact with the skin. It arises some hours after contact with the responsible material, and settles down over some days providing the skin is no longer in contact with it.

So, I'm not too sure about ingredients that may cause allergies for you. But what I think best for you now, is to stop using the shampoo, conditioner, face creams, moisturizers or anything that is applied to the face. You can try a hydrocortisone cream, but use a 0.5% cream, because it is mild but effective to soothe your iritations. If the hydrocortisone cream is too stong, it will thin your skin out and you don't want that.

For guidelines to caring for your allergy-prone sensitive skin, please visit

Daisy, in case the irritations still persist after a week using hydrocortisone cream, please you have to visit a doctor to check if there are any underlying problems. Do let me know the outcome ok? All the best and remember to try the 0.5% hydrocortisone cream

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