Monday, November 16, 2009

Cat Dermatitis?

I have a three year old male cat that has a history of allergies. He has developed eonsophilic dermatitis. I am trying to eliminate stuff he might be allergic to from my home, but the itching is pretty severe, and he has a bad lesion. My vet prescribed Prednisilone (steroid) but it isn't very effective in making him more comfortable. He scratches it (lesion on back of his neck) until it is bloody. I have also switched to a food for cats with sensitive skin. He is so miserable. Any advice

would be appreciated.

Cat Dermatitis?
There are some many things that cause this, it's hard to know.

Has your cat had a parasite exam lately (a fecal). Since it could be a reaction to those. Also make sure to use good flea control.

Head and neck lesions is usally suggestive of an allergery to a neurotransmitter and sometimes has to be removed surgically.

I would keep trying different foods to see if something else work.

Try taking your cat to a veterinary dermatologist, they can help determine the causitive agent. Your own vet can scrape one of the lesions and see if there is a bacterial infection. There are also other immunosuppresive drugs your cat can go on to reduce the reaction.

Give it time skin takes a long time to resolve
Reply:I would take him to the vet they might have a medicaine for him.

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